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From What Price Does the AC Start?

Published on 2024-06-26

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Air conditioners (ACs) have become essential appliances in many homes and offices, providing much-needed relief from the heat and humidity. When considering purchasing an AC, one of the first questions that come to mind is from what price do they start? Air conditioners (ACs) in Nepal serve to a wide range of budgets and preferences, ranging from affordable to premium options. At the lower end, you can find ACs starting from as little as NPR 45,000 for basic models suited for smaller rooms or irregular use. These models often come from less-known brands or offer fewer features compared to higher-end options. However, prices vary significantly depending on the brand, type (inverter or non-inverter), and additional features.

AC prices can differ based on the brand. Renowned brands like Blue Star, Samsung, LG, and Daikin offer a range of models that span different price points. Budget-friendly options are available from these brands, as well as higher-end models that offer more advanced technology and features.

Another important factor influencing AC prices is whether they are inverter or non-inverter models. Inverter ACs tend to be more expensive initially but offer energy efficiency benefits by adjusting compressor speed according to cooling needs. Non-inverter ACs are generally cheaper upfront but consume more electricity due to constant compressor operation.

The cooling capacity (measured in BTUs or tons) and additional features also impact the price. ACs with higher BTU ratings or tonnage are suitable for larger spaces and come at a higher cost. Features such as Wi-Fi connectivity, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and advanced cooling technologies also contribute to price variations.

The length and coverage of the warranty also affect the price of an AC. ACs with longer warranties or those offering comprehensive coverage (including parts, labor, and compressor) tend to be priced higher. A good warranty can provide peace of mind and potentially save on future repair costs, making it an important consideration when purchasing an AC.

For more information on AC options, features, and expert advice, visit our website Our team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect air conditioner to suit your needs and preferences.


AC को Price कति मूल्यबाट सुरु हुन्छ?

धेरै घर र कार्यालयहरूमा AC हरू अत्यावश्यक उपकरणहरू भएका छन्, जसले गर्मी र आर्द्रताबाट धेरै आवश्यक राहत प्रदान गर्दछ। AC खरिद गर्ने विचार गर्दा, दिमागमा आउने पहिलो प्रश्नहरू मध्ये एक हो AC हरू कति मूल्यबाट सुरु हुन्छन् होला त? नेपालमा धेरै Brand को AC हरु पाहिन्छन्। AC को Price तेस्को Type, Capacity, efficiency, Brand र installation Cost सहित विभिन्न कारकहरूमा निर्भर गर्दछ Normally साना कोठाहरू वा कहिलेकाहीं प्रयोगका लागि उपयुक्त आधारभूत मोडेलहरूका लागि NPR 45,000 बाट सुरु हुने AC हरू पाउन सक्नुहुन्छ। AC को मूल्य Brand, Type र अतिरिक्त सुविधाहरूको आधारमा पनि फरक हुन्छन्। AC को Price लाई प्रभाव पार्ने अर्को Important कारक तिनीहरू Inverter & Non-Inverter AC मा पनि फरक पर्छ। Inverter AC हरू महँगो हुन्छन् तर Cooling आवश्यकता अनुसार Compressor को गति समायोजन गरेर ऊर्जा दक्षता लाभहरू प्रदान गर्छन्। Non-Inverter AC हरू सामान्यतया अग्रिम सस्तो हुन्छन् तर लगातार Compressor सञ्चालनको कारणले बढी बिजुली खपत गर्दछ।

Cooling capacity (BTUs or Ton ) र अतिरिक्त सुविधाहरूले पनि मूल्यलाई असर गर्छ। उच्च BTU मूल्याङ्कन वा Ton भार भएका AC हरू ठूला ठाउँहरूको लागि उपयुक्त हुन्छन् र उच्च लागतमा आउँछन्। Wi-Fi connectivity, air purifiers, dehumidifiers र advanced cooling Technology जस्ता सुविधाहरूले पनि मूल्य भिन्नतामा योगदान पुर्‍याउँछ।

सही AC छनोट गर्दा तपाईंको बजेट, कोठाको आकार, इच्छित सुविधाहरू र दीर्घकालीन ऊर्जा दक्षतालाई ध्यानमा राखी समावेश हुन्छ। चाहे तपाइँ बजेट-अनुकूल मोडेलको लागि रोज्नुहुन्छ वा उन्नत सुविधाहरू सहितको प्रिमियम AC मा लगानी गर्नुहुन्छ, मूल्य दायरा र यसले प्रभाव पार्ने कारकहरू बुझेर तपाइँलाई सूचित निर्णय गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ। Warranty को Length र coverage ले पनि AC को Price लाई असर गर्छ। धेरै वारेन्टी भएका वा बृहत् कभरेज (including parts, labor, and compressor) प्रदान गर्ने AC हरूको Price बढी हुन्छ।