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Uniview CCTV Cameras Price List in Nepal

Published on 2025-01-15

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CCTV cameras are a vital component for ensuring security in homes, offices, and businesses. In Nepal, AC Ghar provides a diverse selection of CCTV cameras designed to meet various security requirements and budgets. Whether you need basic surveillance systems or advanced features like night vision, motion detection, remote monitoring, or high-definition video recording, AC Ghar offers reliable solutions.

CCTV Cameras Price in Nepal

Model MRP Offer price
IPC324LB-SF28-A 7,325 7,325
UAC-B122-AF40LM 3,438 3,438
UAC-T112-AF28-DL 2,575 2,575
UAC-B112-F40-W 2,415 2,415
UAC-T112-FA28-W 2,415 2,415
UAC-T132-F28 1,625 1,625
UAC-P112-AF40-W 6,250 6,250
UAC-T122-AF28LM 3,438 3,094
UAC-T112-FA28 2,330 2,330
UAC-B112-F40 2,444 2,444
UAC-T115-F28-W 3,500 3,500
UAC-B115-F40-W 3,500 3,500
IPC322LB-SF28K-A 5,850 5,850
IPC2122LB-SF2840-A 7,999 7,199
IPC3612LB-SF28-G 4,938 4,938
IPC3614LB-SF28-A 7,325 7,325
IPC324LB-SF28K-A 7,999 7,199
IPC2124LB-SF40-A 7,325 7,325
IPC3612LB-ADF28K-G 8,000 8,000
IPC3612LE-ADF28KC-WL 10,374 9,336
IPC3614LE-ADF28KC-WL 14,879 13,391
IPC2122LE-ADF40KMC-WL 10,374 9,336
IPC2124LE-ADF40KMC-WL 14,879 13,391
IPC2322LB-ADZK-G 15,152 13,636
IPC2324LB-ADZK-G 16,250 16,250
IPC6312LFW-AX4C-VG 25,594 23,034
IPC9312LFW-AF28-2X4 35,545 31,990
IPC2224SE-DF40K-WL-I0 21,325 19,192
IPC2228SE-DF60K-WL-I0 29,860 26,874
IPC2324SE-ADZK-WL-I0 35,545 31,990
IPC6424SR-X25-VF-B 57,284 57,284
IPC6424SR-X25-VF-B 57,284 57,284

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