Like the lint trap in your dryer, the lint filter in your washer is there to keep lint from clinging to your clothes. Keep in mind, newer high efficiency washers do not rely on a lint filter, instead they use self-cleaning pump filters.
This Buzzer is used in semi-automatic washing machine as an indicator for starting as well as stopping of the washing cycle. The Washing Machine Buzzer is offered by us at very competitive prices as compared to other vendors.
Air dry in washing machines is a function that removes most of the moisture contained in washed without the use of heat. It does so by using air current generated from the rotation of the tub and drawing in air via the inlets on the lid.
The washer will not run wash process immediately but run a soak process first. Wash function: The washer immediately to wash when added the detergent, and there is no soak time.
Delay End lets you set the washing machine to finish your wash automatically at a later time, choosing a delay of between 1 to 24 hours (in 1 hour increments). The hour displayed indicates the time the wash will finish.