Midea 2.0 Ton Ductable Inverter Air Conditioner : MTI-24HWFN1
MMidea Ductable air conditioners installed in hotel rooms, Hospitals, lobbies, restaurants, cash halls, shops and conference rooms, a large area. They are simple to install, create a powerful air flow directed by two rows of louvers, installed on the floor of the premises and appearance similar to the cabinet. They are used in areas where it is impossible to use the surface of walls and ceilings, and ceiling height up to 5 meters, while on the floor there is a stock area.
(For 24,000BTU, 48,000BTU and 60,000BTU models) Max External Static Pressure of indoor unit is 200Pa, so wherever you are, you can enjoy very comfortable airflow Built-in Drain Pump The drain pump can lift the condensate water up to 750mm
Newly designed touch-key wired controller with built-in temperature sensor. With 7-day controller, it allows for 8 stop/start patterns per day 7 days a week to bring you comfort to a new level